
☆My Daughter at her Undokai ☆

 Hello everyone!
The weather has been perfect these days.

I feel so good to be outside. I like gardening. 
The flowers in this time of the year are very beautiful, such as viola, pansy, cosmos, stock, and so on.I enjoy planting plants when my baby is sleeping.

 On 10th of Oct, it was supposed to be my daughter Yuina's Undokai at her Hoikuen. But it was postponed until next day due to a heavy rain. On the day, it was very best day for the event. She had been excited from early morning. In her class, there were two programs to enter. One is competition and the other is dance. Both of them are parents and children programs, so I also had to enter with her. According to her teacher, they had practiced the programs for two weeks so she was very excited because of that. Her programs were second and third. Parents and children were lined together. In fact, some children in her class looked very nervous. It's no doubt it was because there were so many people watching them. Some children were clinging to their mothers, crying out loud and running away from the line in the end. For them, it seemed to just not possible to take part in the program.

On the other hand, Yuina looked fine at all. In the first program, they were to rush to a box, grab one vegetable, run to the animals and put them into their mouths. It's our turn then. I said, 'Go and grab the vegetable, Yuina!' She rushed and did everything by herself. I only followed her and didn't help her at all.
And the dance, she remembered its sequence and danced very well. I also danced along the teachers.
There were some children who were just standing on the track and did not want to dance. And some of them were clinging to their mothers even though their mothers asked to get off. Well, those attitudes were also natural for their age I think.

When everything finished, she looked very proud and I praised her for the practice she had done in the past weeks.
I had a great relief anyway. If she had been like other children, I would have been embarrassed in front of my parents because they came all the way to see her. It was a day I found it she has grown a lot.